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Analyst Reviews of COOL:Joe
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Sterling COOL:Joe Melds Component Modeling and Component Development - By Carl Zetie, 02/05/2000

Catalyst : Sterling announces general availability of 1.0 release of COOL:Joe

Question : What are the benefits of adopting COOL:Joe? How does it compare to other development tools?

Answer : click here for the full idea byte.

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The Component-Based Development and Integration (CBDi) Forum's Product Overview of COOL:Joe
Quantum Enterprise Solutions Inc.

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Product Evaluation of COOL:Joe by Quantum Enterprise Solutions Inc.

The "slow” emergence of Enterprise JavaBeans as viable server-side processing components has been due to the relative unavailability and immaturity of full-fledged Java and EJB development environments. This has changed with the release of Sterling Software’s COOL:Joe development environment, which provides leading edge features and functionality for developing and deploying large-scale enterprise Java solutions.

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